Oooh I've been hunched over working on this for nearly 2 hours now, but I am so proud of myself!!
As I mentioned before, I'm doing my very first lace shawl knit along!
Here is my progress so far.
It will look much more impressive once its on the circular needles. I just haven't worked up to quite enough stitches yet.
And check out my super technologically advanced Storage container!!
It keeps my yarn, the project itself, and the chart (which I cheated and wrote out for myself) safe from YOU KNOW WHO
(doesn't her tail look better?)
I'm hoping maybe to have extra time to knit tomorrow, as this is what our trees looked like when I got home from work.
Pretty to look at, but not so much fun for driving.
I'm thinking overnight the roads will be the same? EEK!
PS. To the asshat in the white truck right behind me, when there's ice on the trees, I don't go over the speed limit, and following right behind me isn't gonna make me go any faster. Also, when you go onto an exit ramp its generally a good idea to stay there. If you change your mind, you can go to the top and go across and come out the other side.
Also, for anyone who's keeping track besides me, this is blog post 199!!! SO I need to come up with something to do for the big 200. Egads!
Well, considering that you go several days without a post... You might consider doing the most awesomest of bloggies to honor my Birthday on Saturday!!! That's got to be worthy of a 200th posting.
Yay, Tripsie's tail is healing.
And I love the color of the yarn you're using for the shawl.
And I'm sorry you had to deal with an asshat. That word is funny. It gives me a stupid and quite unnecessary visual.
*conjurs gynormous green heat lamp over Lynchburg to melt the ice and warm your roads* damnit, where's the outlet to plug this in?
You couldn't pay me to do lace. Ew and ugh. Good luck!
*pinch* *pinch*
Hello. My name is Jadie. I'll knit a sock today for the first time ever. Done. I think I'll being dyeing now. Done. Lace looks good. I'll knit lace today.
Poll: Does anyone else feel like they're riding the knitting "short bus" by comparison?!?!
ovell - an emphatic lack of understanding of Love.
P.S. The shawl looks amazing! Did you start with a provisional cast on? If so, can you teach me sometime? Pullleease! :)
Oh my gosh that yarn you are using is so beautiful! I just want to reach into my computer screen and steal it from you! ;)
I can't wait to see your progress.
Yarn and knitting's ugly, too...down green monster, down...
Oh to aspire to double pointed needles...sniff, sniff. I tried for the first time last night and almost started cussing again - not pretty.
I guess I shall have to be content with viewing your success. Looking good by the way! Love the hat. Congrats on the 200th post AND, more importantly, the proposal!
Your mom turned me on to your blog. Geez! I missed her birthday...
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