Warning for friends with slower internet connections.... Picture heavy :)
There's been snuggles

Tripsie on her fort, which she hasn't gotten back on since... not sure why.

Tripsie in her favorite spot, the top of the stairs.

My shelves

Which I put together ALL BY MYSELF!

Nice and clean and organized (this was taken right after setting them up. You'll see them again later)

The kitties have been staying cool by laying on the tile floor in the kitchen. The air vent is in the floor right between them. They both love to walk up to it and hold their faces right in the stream of cold air.

The kitties inspect my knit nook/hobbit hole. (Yes, Kitty comes upstairs all by himself!)

Kitty watching TV

Kitchen again, that screen in the dining room will hide the litter boxes from guests.

Decorating with knitting. My blanket I knit last year on the sofa.

My wedding veil as a lace doily under my bouquet and a wedding photo.

A centerpiece from our reception next to our wedding album Janine made. The prior homeowner left these shelves up!

On the other shelf, a wedding gift from family, and our invitation in a photo frame one of my co-workers put together for me.

Back in my knit nook, the left side of my desk. In the white boxes are undyed yarn & lace. Blue boxes mostly contain notions, one brown box holds (most of) my WIP bags, and there's sock yarn and cotton in the others.

More yarn & more bags.

What's that annoying whiney sound? Oh.. Hi Tripsie. Ok fine, I'll take your picture too. Tripsie has not adjusted as well as Kitty has. But then again she's never moved before other than coming to live with us. She cried all night for 2 weeks, and has done it again a few nights when we've had storms. But she's getting better. Now if we can get her to stop licking til she gets scabs.

My (non-functional, decorative only) spinning wheel... i think some of the legs got mixed up, but it's too hot to mess with it right now.

The right side of my desk. As you can see it's a little more "lived in" now. More notions, yarn, and my knitting books. And of course SNACKS!

We've been enjoying our kitchen.

Nomnomnom Hubs has been grilling! (Chicken, mashed taters, and home-made cheddah biscuits like you get at Red Lobster.)

Kitty has been very curious about the new surroundings.

I got some really cute new address notification postcards from
Jack & Ella on Etsy
And she included some very cute little blank notecards

We love our new home SO MUCH. We didnt' have to do anything to it! Now to get back to knitting!
How wonderful! Looks there has been much nesting and exploring. Tripsie at the top of the stairs is funny, but be careful! You don't want to trip and get hurt! lol
Love your new home! I am jealous of your knitting nook. What a lovely space to have and enjoy.
I was so excited to see you blogged!
Your new home is so nice and I love your new shelves! Good job putting them together all by yourself. :)
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