Tripsie has been enjoying this and hanging out on her fort a LOT.

I had two pairs of socks, which only had one sock each, so I have finished the second sock of both of those.
I think I've shown these previously, I did finish the 2nd one. I still think the 2nd one ended up a little smaller, but it's ok. For some reason I can't find them right now and I apparently deleted the FO pic thinking I'd already uploaded it, so here's the same shot as before.

I also finally started and finished the 2nd of this pair,

It took me less than a week! Very easy pattern. I kind of wish I'd thought to reverse the pattern on the second sock so that the lines pointed in towards each other. I hope that when Knitting Dragon is finished with college that he resumes dying yarn again!
True to my word, after knitting 2 socks for me (yes, so that gave me 2 new pairs but still, I only finished 2 new socks for me) I am now onto the next pair for Hubs . Using Zauberball I got from the Loopy Ewe and my beautiful new Signature DPN's.

Basic sock, it's just 2X2 ribbing alternating with plain stockinette. I hate purling the first stitch on a needle, so there's 4 columns of 4 knit stitches in a row. I'll call it a design element.
The Zauberball reminds me a lot of Mini Mochi, but doesn't seem to be as splitty. Then again that might be those stiletto points on the needles :D
The furbabies are continuing to ... co-exist.. This picture was taken about 5 minutes after Tripsie bit Kitty so hard she had fur in her mouth.

Kitty: "I hate you."
Silly critters.
Those are pretty! Aww look how comfy an dcute Tripsies is on the fort. I wish I had a fort! lol
I haven't been able to finish a project in forever. I tried to do a sweater vest for my grandson but I'm stuck. I was working on fingerless gloves for my granddaughter but screwed those up.I may pick a different pattern and try again. I'm very frustrated on the knitting front right now. LOL
The socks are fantastic! You're rolling along and will have very warm feet this winter. The cats are precious - - as always.
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