Right... sorry

I've been a bit distracted. And Sue - YES! I have been making some progress on my Chorwars! I've behaved with my yarn diet, only buying 1 skein of yarn while I was on Vacation!

Speaking of Vacation, that's where I was for a week. I went to visit my parents, and then for 3 lovely days my mom, my sister and I went to the beach.

We stayed in a beautiful home belonging to one of mom's co-workers.

I've also picked up crocheting! Mom taught me while we were at the beach. I've got my first FO.

A bullet-proof wonky Kitty bed. But I've gotten better with my edges and also did a washcloth.
It's for my cousin who is getting married! I love how well the colors match the RSVP card (you'll have to trust me).

After my vacation I haven't been on the computer as much. I've even blocked some of my facebook games! Hubs and I are focusing on eating better and working out some. I'm excited because where I work is building an on-site gym!! Woohoo!


~RaenWa~ said...

I am glad you had a great vacation the pictures from the beach are gorgeous. I wish my job had an on site Gym lol luck you.

Unknown said...

There you are! Vacation at the beach sounds lovely! Crocheting? OH no, another hobby that requires yarn! hehe
I need to work out as I've gained a bazillion pounds in the last 5 years but I can't seem to get motivated. *sigh*
Glad to see you are doing well!

p.s. the "word verification" I have to type in for this comment is shaboat. haha!

Spinning Ninny said...

Which beach where you visiting?