What to do next??
I went to my stash and dove for inspiration.
I've had a pattern idea in my head for a while. Its the same stitch pattern as the scarf I knit for Mikey's ladyfriend.
I think were I to try it, I'd use this yarn
But I also recently got this pattern, which I think would look good in either of these yarns
Or, I can do just a plain ole stockinette in this yarn, which does self striping/patterning. Since I have my yarn scale now, I could divide it into 50/50 and make sure to get matching pair!
So... what to do? You tell me! Tripsie says she will guard my stash until we decide.
A yarn scale???? I didn't even know they made them. Leave it to you to find one...so impressed...
I vote for the first sock!
I vote for the first one. That yarn looks yummy!
...and Tripseh.
Sock survey? What sock survey? You need to give these things more time!!!
walin - what one does when they miss a sock survey opportunity.
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