Knit night pressies!

Tonight was knit night in Bedford with my friends! Sadly, Dana had to stay home sick. But Dianne played Santa.
Here's my gifties. Check out the matching bags that weren't even on purpose!

Dana gave me a beautiful set of needles, they have pretty mother of pearl on the ends. A cute little sheepy guy, and some pirate pencil toppers, though I imagine she hopes I can use them on knitting needles. (ps they fit on the size 10's)

Dianne also gave me some needle tip thingies (not pictured they fell out in the car but I will rescue them in the morning).
And some beautiful Noro!!! I havent knit with Noro yet but I've always wanted to. And its PURPLE!

I just can't wait until after Christmas when I can get back to sock knitting. How awful of me :P

Speaking of sock knitting, I had brought some hand dyed yarns that I made while I was on vacation.

Here's the yarn being dyed, and here's the finished products. I ended up keeping one of them.

Also!!! *happy dance and trumpet blast*
I have lost 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks!!!


Thomas said...

Ain't that a Ewe, making a Sheep Gal? hee hee "Got Wool?" Neato.

*hopes Dana gets well quickly*

3 pounds is an awesome start. I'm so proud=jealous of you. You're going to be even HOTTER!! Than you already are.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Love the knit pressies!!! My kind of presents!

Congrats on the 3 pounds!! Its so hard to keep up around the holidays...keep at it!! I'm trying to get back on track the past couple weeks too!

Dana said...

Merry Christmas! I felt so badly that I couldn't make it last night, but I didn't want to share the germa-a-polooza with everyone. :) I'm so glad you like the needles, sheep & toppers! I know you have the Harmony needles, but my thought was "black Pirate needles."

Enjoy that Noro - - it's great fiber and the colors are no nice. Speaking of beautiful colors, your hand-dyed looks wonderful too!

Congrats on the 3 lbs! Again, have a great holiday. XOXO

Thank you Thomas!

Dianne said...

Congrats on your weight proud of your discipline this time of year.
Also it was totally fantastic to be the recipient of one of those special 'dyes'..I can't wait to sink needles into your homebrew yarn..the colors are just so pretty that I sat it in a bowl on the table in the living room decor!!.Thanks again and special holiday wishes to you and your family~

Thomas said...

UGH, 2 days off ain't enough TIME.
I'm leaving for New York and apparently missing speaking with you online.

My Christmas gift to you will be late. Evertime I went to order a fun gift it was OUT OF STOCK.

Durn it.

Not to worry, you will get a nice giftie, just late.