There's some holes in the heel, but hey it was my first attempt at a short row heel. It still definitely fits better than my first pair. YAY! Ok I go sleep now
Your sock looks great! I've made maybe six pairs of socks so far and every single sock - - each and every one - - has had a heel hole too! I've always just closed them up with a left scrap of yarn. (Glad to know that I'm not the only one). :)
Thanks for the emergency knitting bag link. I found Illiane's blog and definitely plan on buying a couple as Xmas gifts.
Your sock looks great! I've made maybe six pairs of socks so far and every single sock - - each and every one - - has had a heel hole too! I've always just closed them up with a left scrap of yarn. (Glad to know that I'm not the only one). :)
Thanks for the emergency knitting bag link. I found Illiane's blog and definitely plan on buying a couple as Xmas gifts.
hehe.. Yay for socks ;D
Holy Socks!!
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