Thank you Lewis!

YAY I'm not pink anymore! If you're one of my frequent visitors, then you've probably noticed the new background and color scheme. This is the first of hopefully a few improvements to the site that my friend is undertaking for me.
I can has html?

Something else to look for, a 2nd sidebar on the left side with knitting information. More and more I'm knitting instead of gaming, and I plan on knitting presents for most of my Christmas gifts this year, with a few big projects planned for after that!

Please leave comments if you have anything to say about the blog at all, or if you have a podcast you'd like me to review.
Also, for fellow knitters if you have a Ravelry invite I'd love you forever if I could have one.

1 comment:

Janine said...

The blog is looking good.

Best advise I can give on blogs: do your thing. Keep reviewing those podcasts and talk about knitting. Give updates on life as necessary and you'll do fine. It's all about entertaining the masses these days!

PS. You're welcome.