
If you read my blog through google reader or another feed service (Mom, this means you) please click over and look at my blog page in its new beautiful glory!

My friend Mikey found a great new layout for me, and its much cleaner and better organized.

Later this week I will post some pictures from the weekend, or in the meantime you can check most of them out on my flickr stream :)

For now, I am working on a pi blanket/shawl and need to finish tinking back the row I messed up by not reading directions.


The Lewis Show said...

Thank you for letting me work with your blog. I'll figure out how to make the comments easier to access too.

Five Stars!!

Nikki said...

oooo I like it!

Cindy said...

oo.. it's shiny and pretty!

idiotboy said...

Very nice :D

turtlegirl76 said...

I like it! It'll be much easier to view your pictures against this background.

The Lewis Show said...

Ladies, thank you for liking the layout! Now we need to keep bugging Ms Jadie to keep posting!