Happy (belated early) Birthday Hubs!

Hubs birthday was the other day, but we did everything on Tuesday, but I'm just now blogging about it :)

Here's his present all pretty and wrapped. Hubs  was quite confused because he was only expecting a receipt for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, which he'd asked me to reserve for him.

This is a look of happy surprise.

Its a ROBE!!!!

Looks pretty good right?

And as usual, Tripsie likes the plastic bag it came in.

Kitty says HI PEOPLE!


The Lewis Show said...

Happy Birthday to the Sam.

Haley said...

that's love. modeling a robe on your wife's blog. so happy for you both.

Haley said...

thrug = the kind of a shrug you wear in the ghetto

Dana said...

Happy Birthday Sam. May I say you look wonderful in that new robe! ;)

sara said...

Aww! I love the picture of him in the robe.