So here we go:
I am to list 6 things that I am thankful for, and list 6 bloggers who I think are nifty. But I'm a big fat cheater cheater .... though I don't eat punkins so anywho.
I am thankful for my family, which includes sweet Kitty, who is at this moment dreaming that he is Superman
and of course Sam - who ROCKS my socks that rock.

And of course my parents and my sister, however I don't have pictures of them, nor do I really feel its appropriate to post pictures of people on the internet without their knowledge :)
I am thankful for good real-life friends like Mikey & Janine, Ben, Thomas, Cindy, Dana, Dianne, and many others. My apologies if I did not list you specifically, or if you don't like the order I put you in.
I am thankful for internet friends like Eric & Brian, and all the sweet knitters who are so generous of their time.
I am thankful for knitted socks, and I think that I have been grumpy recently because I have not been knitting socks all month. But soon holiday knitted items will be complete and then I can get back to my lovelies.
I am thankful that I have a job that I mostly like, and that allows me to work undisturbed for most of the day, and listen to my ipod.
I am thankful that we live in a world where its easy to reconnect with old friends :)
Let's see that's 6 isn't it?
Next up, 6 bloggers who we think are nifty. Well, I'm sorry Thomas but I just can NOT narrow it down so.
6 nifty Knitting bloggers:
The Lime & Violet Daily Chum. Great source of information, and regular articles about other nifty things.
The Yarn Harlot Most smartest, wittiest, knitter I can think of. And she's hilarious to boot!
WendyknitsAside from writing amazing patterns, shes' got great taste in kitty cats.
ShutupI'mcounting a phrase most knitters have either said or thought (as we hold up one finger to indicate we are not to be disturbed right now). Cass doesn't do well in the winter so she's a little grumpy, but come springtime she'll be right as ... well as right as she ever is.
Irishgirlie's blog. What more can I say, she has amazing taste in yarn :)
And last but not least, Brooklyn Tweed Jared takes beautiful pictures of gorgeous projects. He comes up with amazing ideas.
6 of my friends' blogs
Cindy details her experiences as a new mom and new transplant to Texas.
Mikey has just bought his first house! And he mostly talks about super awesome things you can do with technology and the internet and social networks and metal and awesome times in Richmond.
Ben writes about whatever pops into his head. Honest! He also reviews movies and posts song lyrics and whatnot.
Thomas... is well, he's a goofball :P
Kyle is the super awesome knitter who sent me my lovely scarf (which is definitely coming in handy). He does more than just knits though, he's been working on some paintings too!
Dana is one of my lovely awesome knit night friends. She recently sent me some roving to play with on my drop spindle! She's also married to a hunkahunka running man as shown in her most recent post.
And finally, 6 super funny, entertaining blogs:
Project Shadow - also listen to their daily podcast!
And of course, Cute one of my favorites!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrated, and YAY its almost the weekend for everyone else ;)
HA HA, thank you for playing.
You didn't tag anyone else? wow.
Yes, I r a goofball. Helps me to deal with stress.
oooh yes your blogsites are fun.
Yay! I'm nifty :D
You're pretty nifty too!
Thank you for the recognition..Likely our paths would not have crossed if not for the world of fiber,..I stick to my 'needles' when I say..we're just a good bunch of folks..I have enjoyed our meetings and look forward to many more in the future, as well as more trips to Roanoke and NOSO! Happy Thanksgiving Jadie~
I am also nifty. Happy Thanksgiving...belated. Still!
Happy Thanksgiving and I am grateful for you too!! See you on the 18th. :D
Not sure how I missed this post, but thank you!!! So sweet of you :)
Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
I love IrishGirlie and Brooklyn Tweed!
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