Mikey has been telling me for a looong time to check out Wine Library TV. I did DVR host Gary's appearances on Letterman and Ellen, and cracked up at his forcing them to suck on rocks and eat dirt. I finally bit the bullet and subscribed to the podcast. I downloaded a few back episodes and watched them as much as I could today at work.
I've never been a huge fan of wine, or champagne. Then again I remember a time where I hated beer....
But Gary puts it in a great new perspective. I remember one of the wines he tried smelled like Big League Chew and a jam and pepper. Now that's something I could get into! And even though I'm not from Jersey, I was in the marching band, so thank you, I know exactly what bus exhaust smells like ;)
Now I'm excited to start possibly trying some wines. At least smelling them...
Also new feature today is the Caturday pic of the Day. Usually it will just be one of my favorite caturday pics, but I thought this one was appropriate for the topic :)
I er an innermediot Oenophilofragarocalist. Did you know I used to sell wine and know muchly about the topic. I'll pick the type, you pick the country.
You should come visit me before I move on a Saturday. The local specialty wine shop has a tasting and they guys are really laid back and aren't offended if people don't like what they have to offer.
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