Year in review and a look ahead

Sadly, I don't have the brain, or blog history that Lewis does to be able to do quite as concise a year in review, but I will do my best.
New Year's 07: Sam and I rang in the new year with his band. They played a gig for the guitarists' in laws at their.. barn thing.
February: Sam and I moved in together! Weee!
March: Lewis and his pretty lady friend came to visit us in our new home. Hope they enjoyed the comfy sofas!
April: Can't really think of much off the top of my head... I think it was April when Sam's band played their last gig. *sniffle*
May: I can has birfday!!
June: Heroescon woo!! Saw Rosario Dawson from afar 'cause I"m too shy to go up to famous people. Sam got a lot of sketches and whatnot (One from the most awesome and very much missed Mike Wieringo)
July: *thinks* Hurm.. I don't remember much.. might have been a trip to Richmond to see Harry Potter... or was that august? :)
August: Had some time off. I always request the days around Labor day on the offchance I can get to Dragoncon. Mike Wieringo passed away :(
September: Got an attorney's name from a friend at work. Called her up, paid her some $$, she sent me paperwork and I signed & returned it. Also, was born!
October: Paperwork finally reached my ex. He signed & returned it. Also, the writer's guild strike began, and we began to cherish our episodes of the Office and Heroes more and more.
November: I can has DIVORCE!!! Also, I got my Ravelry invite! Two such awesome things. Weeee
December: Christmas, hanging out with friends and family. Drinking wine, knitting a LOT, and watching a monkey.

January 2008: What's up for this year? Well, more knitting & blogging certainly :) Also have some VERY Big plans. Some of which are still under wraps. However, I am pleased to announce, that once I get a TIN, I will be opening an Etsy shop! I'm making up a specific design, which I will sell there, in addition to some other knitted items.

2007 was such an awesome year in so many ways, that I'm kind of sad to see it go. Along with it, I'm thinking of many friends and family we've lost along the way.
Happy New Year everyone. Here's to 2008 *toasts with diet dr pepper 'cause I didn't get any wine for Christmas* ;)

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