I received an Ipod docking station (YAY), the second 2 of the "Eden" books by Cherie Priest

Also got this super nifty knitting Harry Potter book :)
AND the first and 2nd League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books :)
Also, some PJ's some bath stuff, some crocheted washcloths from Sam's sister, a pretty purse, a gift card for AC Moore YAY, and I'm sure several things I"m forgetting.
I gave: Sam a super nifty mug with 2 Caturdaized pictures (see my sidebar), Marvel stamps, and a Dwight Schrute Bobblehead is on its way.
Made dad a UVA Hat, and got him a travel pillow to use when he's on the computer, where he tends to fall asleep. Gave mom some beautiful knitting needles from Craftina's Etsy shop. I also gave Mikey a nifty wine thingy there.
Got my sister a laptop case, because she got a laptop, the lucky duck.
I hope everyone else had an awesome and safe holiday and got to spend time with loved ones and or friends.
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