Knitting knitting I love knitting

I've been working on a shawl, but I need halp!

Ok, so here's the shawl. As you can see its a lovely shade of green with browns and brighter green bits in it.
Unfortunately, I'm only 4 repeats into the main pattern but I've already used half the yarn.. SO! Do you think it would look alright to finish it with the red?
Otherwise, it could just be a shawlette, or I can buy more yarn and try to dye it to match not too horribly.

I've also been learning how to knit socks with Magic Loop. Its pretty cool! Less poking than dpn's though I'm having issues with laddering.
This is my new socks that rock which Dana and Dianne gave me for my birthday!

One side is pretty purple, lovely blueish tealish color,

The other has pinks and lavender!

Just 3 weeks to the wedding! *happy dance*


The Lewis Show said...

and a ring. Don't forget the ring!

Nikki said...

The socks are great!

as for the shawl... I don't know. It's kinda hard to tell just from the pic but I'd be afraid it'd look too Christmasy... maybe a lighter or darker green?

Thumperdd said...

Project 1 - the red looks fine with it, but do whatever your heart says...otherwise you'll not be pleased with the completed project.

Project 2 - I tried the Magic Loop method and it felt really awkward and I was worried that I'd forget where I was and move it the wrong way. However, you're ever so much more advanced than I am, so I hope it works perfectly for you.

That yarn looks almost identical to some I featured a few weeks's LOVERLY!


Kyle Kunnecke said...

you probably already did something with the shawl, but I'd start doing stripes of green, red, green, red, green, red... until the green is/was gone... then finish with red - if the repeats were SMALL then you could do a repeat in each color... or start red now, then do a repeat in GREEN later near the end so it's an offset / combined stripe color effect thingy...

whaddyathink? :)