Oh well. Luckily the rain didn't soak through to the yarn.
Here is some yarn from Knitting Dragon. I really love how fast he gets everything together and shipped out, and he even offers to wind the yarn for you (which I opted to do this time, since I knew I would not get to this project until later)
Also, I received my monthly shipment from the Yarn Pirate. If you don't want any spoilers, look away!
I love that this colorway is called Sweet Pea. That was Tripsie's name before her previous owner started calling her Tripod.
Well, that's about all that I can talk about :P Secret projects continue. Those who know what they are keep your mouths shut! :P
I love living vicariously through your yarn stash! Can't wait to find out about the secrets....love mysteries!
so how's that yarn diet going? sorry--i couldn't help myself. can't wait to see these "secret projects" revealed!
That reminds me of the joke about the "Wide Mouthed Frog".
hmfph, don't see any of those 'roun here do ya!
HA HA HA, I love that joke.
mongises - and errant genetic cross between a mongoose and a goose.
Such pretty yarns!! Love the Yarn Pirate :)
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