Over on her
blog, one of the Organizers of the Sedalia Fiber Festival posted some pictures, including this one! Yup, that's me on the left. I think I was trying to keep from talking with my hands, which I have a tendency to do when I'm feeling shy or nervous.

Today at work they had the quarterly book fair. Its a lot like the ones you used to have in school, only with not just kids books, but novels and cookbooks and fun gifty gadgets. I got these cool collapsible boxes.

Now I have a new place to keep my work in progress. I love my knitting bag, but I have to keep it zipped close to keep Ms. Yarn Chewer of Doom out, which sometimes makes my DPN's go wonky angles. I've dropped a few stitches pulling it out. This is plenty roomy, and i can just put it out of her reach. Plus I can leave the yarn in the box while knitting and not worry about it getting tangled.

There's a bigger one, which I've used to replace a plastic bag which had been sitting here. That's all my yarn from my last trip to
Holly Bee Yarns, in North Carolina. Mostly Christmas present stuff, so don't look too close! ;)
Yes and Christmas is SOOO just around the corner. Unless you making me sumfin for Christmas in July. *that could be fun*
I don't think I've ever known you to be shy.. Cool pictures though, I need to start posting on mine.. one day.. I'll get the motivation.. yes... one day. :)
I do like that picture of you and it's good to know Judy's name. She and I talked briefly on Saturday, but I didn't know who she was at the time. Does she have a Ravelry ID? I would swear that I've met her before.
Nice boxes! I love book fairs (even the school ones). I have a Beagle/Rat Terrier mix who has munched on several DPNS', one of my Denise cords, and likes to tangle up all and all yarn. Ironically, the cats leave my stash alone. I'm in the market for some inexpensive shelving with wicker basket drawers to keep Bella from temptation. :)
Have a great weekend!
I love the new collapsible box. I found a small bag that has draw strings and I just put my wip in there. I fold my dpn's down so they lay flat against my work when I store it in the bag. I was thinking it would be easier to take on trips and it is. I'd like a collapsible thing like that for home, it's really cute.
Hi Jadie! Re: knitpicks. Go check out their website, they have a tutorial, short, but gives you the idea of it. You dye the fabric and then you can knit from the fabric, 2 socks at a time. You could also frog the fabric and skein and knit from there. So cool! Thanks for visiting....and commenting!
Prepare Lynchburg for my arrival. They'll need all the help they can get. weeeeeeee!
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