Sending a Wave

So I discovered another Serenity/ Firefly podcast, called Sending A Wave. This one comes to us from across the pond, in England! Which means in addition to fun Firefly facts, bonus accents!

Their most recent episode, featured an excellent interview with Nathan Fillion (see image below). To be honest, I only paid a little attention to what was said, because I was amused by the fact that it sounded like the interview took place in what I can only imagine is the most awesome Bowling Alley ever. In the background I could hear the distinctive sounds of balls rolling down the aisles, pins falling over, and a wonderful selection of music. At one point I heard Cake's cover of I will Survive.

So, if you're a fellow Browncoat itching for more information and stories, then check it out!


Anonymous said...

Oooo, fantastic! If I end up doing my cross-country move, I'm downloading them and listening up. And I have some friends who will be thrilled.

Anonymous said...

oh that is awesome.
i am very late to the game and only JUST wacthed firefly a couple of weeks ago....
i saw serenity last year and again last week.

i'm only now becoming an obsessed fan..thinking of dyeing some sock yarn in the chracters

Wendy Scott said...

This is Wendy from this podcast and I just had this sent to me.

I just want to say, thank you for your very kind comments on behalf of all of us involved with the show.

Yes, the interview took place in a bowling alley - it definitely added to it.

Take care and thanks again