Sedalia Fun Celtic fest times.

Well, I took some pretty decent pictures while we were there (and some bad ones I'm sure) but sadly, sweet boyfriend uninstalled itunes, and his phone won't talk to my computer.
So, I was going to pilfer some from google, but couldn't really find anything good.. so in the meantime here's my super awesome leather bracelet I bought from a guy in character.

You can see my nifty blue tree stamp on my hand.

Today we super duper cleaned the house, still have laundry going WHEW. Also, I'm noticing this is my 95th post! I'll have to think of something fun for the big 100.

In knitting news, I'm working on a beaded bracelet for a Ravelry knitalong with Let's Knit Together

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neat Bracelet!! Hard to see the temptoo. Jedi Bunny is funny. What's funnier is my dense sense of humor took a moment to "get it." My was the jedi bunny mind trick hindering me... really!!