I came back home last night, again successful in avoiding most of the traffic. Sadly, this morning I awoke to some bad news.... Mom called and tearfully told me that her baby Charlie had been hit by a car :(
Now, for those of you who aren't pet people, please skip forward to my next paragraph. Its ok, I'll wait *hums* Ok, pet people, as you know the loss of a pet is very emotional especially when its not expected - for example an older pet who is put to sleep. Additionally, I think that Charlie had replaced for my mom, the fact that she doesn't have any grandchildren. She brushed his teeth and had a portrait of him for pete's sake :) Charlie, wherever you are, know that you are very much missed. *wipes away tear*
So... my laptop was about to bust at the screws from the amount of music and podcasts I've stuffed it with, so Sam perused the sales ads, and we found a 250 gig external harddrive that would power through USB. Its about the size of an ipod! So, he's spent most of today moving all the music over (yay, I get to re-rate all my favorites AGAIN) and updated all my drivers and YAY I has hard drive space and can play Command and Conquer 3... only... I don't think I like it.
Oh well... probably won't have a podcast review for a while as I won't synch up until I get my favorite songs rated 5 again.
I hope everyone had a safe Thanksgiving. *hugs*
1 comment:
so sorry to hear about Charlie - losing a pet is one of the hardest things in life...
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